Brand > Unmarked (26/34)
Art Nouveau Enameled Glass Vase Late 19th Century
Antique Victorian Hand Painted Bird Butterfly Pink Opaline Handle Art Glass Vase
Vintage Czech Pink Cased Glass Ruffle Vase
Antique Elegant Blue Opalescent Daisy & Fern Bulbous Water Pitcher Ca1880 Glows
Spectacular Rare Bohemian Heavily Beaded Gilt Jeweled Cut Glass Paperweight Vase
Bohemian Blue Turquoise White Beaded Lyre Floral Ribbon Bow Garland & Gold Vase
Antique Victorian Spatter Vase Cased Glass Pink Yellow Orange Ruffled Rim 5.5
Antique Bohemian Enameled And Gilt Gold/silver Art Glass Beaker Vase C1850
Moser Bohemian Cased Cranberry White Cut To Clear & Gold Gilt Stars Trumpet Vase
Victorian Glass Vase Applied Acorn Leaf Ruffle Stevens & Williams Style Glows
Victorian Bohemian Glass Vase Hand Enameled Bird In Leaves D Circa 1880s 1890s
Antique Victorian Cranberry Glass Large 18 Centerpiece Epergne Ca. 1870-1900