Two Stevens & Williams Blown Thorn Cranberry Vases with Rigaree 10 3/4 & 8 3/4

These are 10 3/4" and 8 3/4" Tall going from a pale pink to a cranberry near the top with clear thorn root base and spiral regeree. Showing the naturalist period of the English Victorian period defined in glass as perceived by S &W during the last years in which Fredrick Carder was there before coming to the USA to start Steuben Glass. One could speculate that this design era at S &W coincides with Fredrick Carder and his previous visit to the Glass Houses of Italy and thus was born this type of glass at S&W, but that of course is speculation and can only add to the mystique of this type of glass which certainly does show Italian influence of the same period. CONDITION ISSUES ; on the 8 3/4, two thorns on the Rigaree are missing as well as two on the bottom base. The 10 3/4 the are defined chips on the base and several less defined ones, some of which may have been made in the final grind. This was not unusual as quality control was not what it is today. Please inspect photos thoroughly before purchasing.