Latest Items (364/425)
Fenton Cranberry Opalescent Hobnail Art Glass Font Student Table Lamp Orig Label
Antique Victorian Silver Plate Cranberry Art Glass Epergne Castor Pickle Brides
Wow! Rare Beautiful Victorian Art Glass Epergne With Figural Silver Holder
Victorian Period Art Glass Bride's Basket In Ornate Wilcox Silver Plate Stand
Victorian Antique Art Glass Thomas Webb And Sons Queens Burmese Vase
Antique Bohemian Victorian Loetz / Moser Rococo Enamel Art Glass Egg Cup Stand
Victorian Antique Stevens & Williams Or Boulton & Mills Custard Rose Bowl
Rare 12 Antique Victorian Bohemian Berry Intaglio Cut Art Glass Ivy Ball Vase
Antique Victorian Art Deco Glass Seed Beaded Purse Handbag Silverplated Frame
Fabulous Stevens & Williams Airtrap Amberina Duplex Oil Lamp Shade Art Glass
Antique Holly Amber Victorian Art Glass Tumbler Greentown Indiana 1902
Fabulous Victorian Bohemian Moser Hand Enameled Conch Shell Fish Ice Cream Set